Finding An Oral Hygiene Practice That Works With Your Dental Implants
The tools and practices for maintaining the long-term success of your dental implants doesn’t have to be overwhelming or complicated. The ClearChoice Network is committed to ensuring each patient feels prepared and confident through every step of receiving their dental implants, which is why helping you feel confident in keeping up with your dental implants at home is something we care about, too. From mouthwash to toothpaste for dental implants, here is our guide for maintaining your oral hygiene with dental implants.
Toothbrushes For Dental Implants
It is imperative to brush your implants twice daily. Since your implants aren’t made of natural materials, using a gentle, soft bristle manual or electric toothbrush is best. These kinds of brushes won’t scratch the surface of your implants and will also help prevent inflammation and loosening of the implant. Small, tapered toothbrushes and interdental (or “proxy”) brushes are also good for implants. The size and shape of these toothbrushes are designed to keep your gum line clean and free of build-up and are also ideal for cleaning between your teeth.
Toothpaste For Dental Implants
The best toothpaste for dental implants is going to be a gentle, non-abrasive toothpaste because abrasive ingredients can damage the surface of your new teeth. To ensure you’re using the best toothpaste for dental implants, check the ingredients and avoid toothpastes with baking soda, those designed for smokers, and all whitening toothpastes. Fluoride will not hurt your dental implants, and tartar control is something important to look for when choosing the right toothpaste for dental implants as well.
Dental Flosses for Dental Implants
Using unwaxed dental tape twice daily is the recommended way to clean between your implants. The design and material of unwaxed dental tape, as opposed to the traditional waxed floss, will not scratch the surface of your dental implants and eliminates the possibility of leaving behind any waxy residue.
Oral Irrigation Systems for Dental Implants
An oral irrigation system is another very effective way to safely keep gingivitis and plaque from building up around your dental implants. Something like a water flosser or any other gentle oral irrigator is an ideal tool to remove the food that gets trapped between your teeth without causing inflammation.
Mouthwash for Dental Implants
Most commercial mouthwash is designed for those looking to “freshen their breath.” It is for this reason that most of those mouthwashes contain alcohol in their ingredients. When considering the best mouthwash for dental implants, however, you’ll want to stay away from mouthwashes containing alcohol because this will dry out your mouth. Instead, look for an alcohol-free mouthwash that is antimicrobial. A gentle, alcohol-free, antimicrobial mouthwash will help with the maintenance of your new teeth by preventing bacteria build-up and is the best mouthwash for dental implants.
Healthy Habits and Choices
Forming healthy routines and habits are an essential part of maintaining your dental implants. Brushing and flossing twice a day and scheduling regular cleaning appointments with your dentist twice a year are some of the most important routines you’ll want to get into the habit of keeping.
You’ll also want to avoid overindulging in sugar to decrease the risk of plaque build-up around your gums and avoid hard or sticky foods which can cause damage to your implants. We suggest being mindful about cutting your food into smaller pieces to better preserve the strength of your implants, and be sure to avoid using your dental implants to open packages or bottles. Lastly, it is advised that those with dental implants avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, both of which may increase the risk of complications and infections related to dental implants.
You can feel confident knowing that by putting these healthy routines and choices into practice, alongside using the proper and recommended tools above, you’ll be giving the very best care to your beautiful new teeth every day!